North Korean workers in Russia: Selection criteria and motivation of laborers


  • Andrei Lankov Kookmin University, Seoul, 77, Jeongneung-Ro, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul, 02707, Republic of Korea



Over the past 70 years, North Korean workers have been present in Russia/USSR almost constantly. In the mid-2010s, their numbers exceeded 30 thousand, and most were in the construction industry. Their working conditions are harsh, however, inside North Korea such jobs have always been greatly coveted, leading to a fierce competition for the chance to work abroad. This is due to the fact that working abroad, including in Russia, despite extremely difficult conditions and significant compulsory wage deductions, still makes it possible for a majority of the North Korean workers to save sums which are very significant, by (meager) North Korean standards. These funds are usually then invested to form the foundations of some small private family business (a market stall, an eatery, a workshop), and in such capacity can ensure the well-being of a family for years and decades to come. The article demonstrates that the widespread perceptions of North Korean workers as “slaves” and “bonded unfree labour” are remarkably divorced from reality. It would be an understatement to say that the workers have volunteered for work. Actually, in order to be selected for an overseas work stint, almost all candidates are engaged in a fierce competition, they usually pay significant bribes to the officials and use all available personal connections to secure a job. It is significant that authorities while selecting people for manual work overseas tend to give preference to privileged groups (party members and residents of Pyongyang). The article makes extensive use of interviews with North Korean construction workers.


migration, DPRK, foreign workers, Russia, corruption


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How to Cite

Lankov, A. (2020). North Korean workers in Russia: Selection criteria and motivation of laborers. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, 13(2), 206–224.



Political and Economic Aspects of Relations between Russia, RK, and PDRK