“Europe. Ecology — the Greens”: Strategy of national and European identity


  • Galina Kaninskaya P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, 14, Sovetskaya ul., Yaroslavl, 150003, Russian Federation




This article analyzes reasons for the rise of the “green wave” in France at the national and European elections, as well as the electoral strategy of the party “Europe. Ecology — the Greens” during the presidency of E. Macron. The research purpose is to identify the relationship between national and European strategies in the development of this French party. This dichotomy already emerges from the peculiar spelling of the party’s name through a period and a hyphen between three words, which should indicate two constituent bases of the party that made an application for the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections in France in the spring of 2022. The author uses such methods such as general scientific logical methods, comparative analysis, and a systematic approach, but primarily relies on a traditional historical methodology that includes the historical-genetic method and criticism of sources. The author comes to the following conclusions. First, the French “greens” have much more firmly established their positions in the European Parliament, thanks to the initiatives of which many programs on environmental problems are being implemented on a European scale. Second, well-known French environmental activists often head various commissions in the European Parliament for the development and adoption of laws in the field of “green economy”. Third, the ambivalence of the “Europe. Ecology — the Greens” and fluctuations in its strategic course along the line of “center-left/extreme left” impede the development of a clear national strategy. Sympathy for the “greens” among the common people is hampered by their too left-liberal slogans about tolerance towards immigrants and issues of national security, as well as in such important societal issues as childbearing with the help of in vitro fertilization and surrogacy.


environmentalists, the Greens, the party Europe. Ecology — the Greens, European elections, internal political struggle, goshism, sustainable development, ecological paradigm, left-wing political forces


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The official website of the Environmental Pact. Available at: https://globalpactenvironment.org (accessed: 23.09.2021).

Le contrat écologique pour l’Europe (2009), Paris: Les Petits Matins.

Manifeste pour une société écologique, The official site of the party “Europe. Ecology — the Greens”. Available at: https://eelv.fr/manifeste-pour-une-societe-ecologique/ (accessed: 17.09.2021).

Vivre mieux. Vers une société écologique. Programme d’actions pour les temps qui viennent 2012. Available at: https://archives.eelv.fr/legislatives2012/eelv.fr/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/projetpdf.pdf (accessed: 17.09.2021).

The European election of May 25, 2014. Available at: https://europe-ecologie.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/web2-PDF_programme_europeecologie.pdf (accessed: 28.09.2021).

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Fourquet, J. (2019), L’archipel français. Naissance d’une nation multiple et divisée, Paris : Seuil.

Européennes: la surprise écolo (2019), yahoo! actualités, 26 mai. Available at: https://fr.yahoo.com/news/europ%C3%A9ennes-surprise-%C3%A9colo-183629440.html (accessed: 28.05.2019).

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Nos villes en vert, nos villes ensemble, Europe. Ecologie — Les Verts, 2020. Available at: https://www.eelv.fr/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/plateformeprogrammatiqueV2.pdf (accessed: 28.05.2019).

Résultats des municipales 2020: Lyon, Bordeaux, Strasbourg… Une vague écologiste déferle sur les grandes villes, franceinfo, juin 29, 2020. Available at: https://www.francetvinfo.fr/elections/municipales/resultats-desmunicipales- 2020-lyon-bordeaux-strasbourg-une-vague-ecologiste-deferle-sur-les-grandes-villes_4019095. html xtor=AL-79-[article]-[connexe] (accessed: 03.07.2020).

Abstention record, vague verte, fiasco pour LaREM… Les cinq leçons du second tour des municipales, yahoo! actualités, juin 29, 2020. Available at: https://fr.news.yahoo.com/abstention-record-vague-verte-fiasco-034939222.html (accessed: 29.06.2020).

Martin P. (2020), Second tour des municipales: Vagues vertes sur une mer d’indifférence, Commentaire, no. 171, pp. 615–620.

Plateforme programmatique pour des projets écologistes, Europe. Ecologie — Les Verts. Available at: https://www.eelv.fr/files/2020/10/EELV-Plateforme-Regios-Depts-2021-V2-1.pdf (accessed: 10.11.2020).

Zapi S. (2020), EELV veut rassembler son camp autour de l’écologie pour préparer la suite, Le Monde, 12 juillet. Available at: https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2020/07/12/eelv-veut-rassembler-soncamp-autour-de-l-ecologie-pour-preparer-la-suite_6046001_823448.html (accessed: 24.10.2021).

Mestre A. (2021), Avec son appel à l’union, Yannick Jadot enjambe la primaire écologiste et son propre parti, Le Monde, 31 mars. Available at: https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2021/03/31/avecson-appel-a-l-union-yannick-jadot-enjambe-la-primaire-ecologiste-et-son-propre-parti_6075051_823448.html (accessed: 20.06.2021).

Coignard S. (2020), Coignard — Discours politique: le concours de “radicalité”, Le Point, septembre

Available at: https://www.lepoint.fr/editos-du-point/sophie-coignard/coignard-discours-politique-leconcours-de-radicalite-29-09-2021-2445277_2134.php?M_BT=4149623874323 xtor=EPR-6-[Newsletter- Matinale]-20210929-[Article_1] (accessed: 18.10.2021).

Présidentielle 2022 | Quelles alliances pour la gauche? Ipsos, octobre 22, 2021. Available at: https://www.ipsos.com/fr-fr/regionales-2021/presidentielle-2022-quelles-alliances-pour-la-gauche (accessed: 28.10.2021).



How to Cite

Kaninskaya, G. (2022). “Europe. Ecology — the Greens”: Strategy of national and European identity. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, 15(1), 45–63. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu06.2022.104

