Red linguopolicy and the world revolution. Orthodox Marxism on the linguistic factor in historical development


  • Igor Chernov Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The scientific basis of Marxist theory is the forerunner of modern linguopolitics. For the founders of Marxism, “nations” are the language communities as the basis (base) of joint production. But this basis is constantly changing under the influence of production and the relations of production. Economy in history appears as a factor of social development. Language (national) inertia is a factor of stability and conservation. It is arguably the linguistic-political ideas of Marxism, together with economic determinism, that can best explain the socio-historical evolution of mankind. But Marxism was the product of its time and political circumstances. Scientific forecasting of socio-political processes is impossible without taking into account the linguistic and political laws of the development of human society. Refs 20. Table 1.


Marxism, linguopolicy, linguopolitics, speech community, communism, world revolution


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How to Cite

Chernov, I. (2017). Red linguopolicy and the world revolution. Orthodox Marxism on the linguistic factor in historical development. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, 10(2), 166–185.



History of international relations and foreign policy