Трансформация цифровой дипломатии в условиях новых вызовов: взгляд из Вашингтона и Пекина


  • Светлана Кривохиж Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики», Российская Федерация, 190121, Санкт-Петербург, ул. Союза Печатников, 16
  • Марина Теленьга Кубанский государственный университет, Российская Федерация, 350040, Краснодар, ул. Ставропольская, 149




Глобализация создала новый медийный ландшафт, в рамках которого реализовывается публичная дипломатия, и поставила перед практиками традиционной публичной дипломатии три проблемы. Во-первых, дипломаты и министерства иностранных дел утратили свою монополию на дипломатическое общение, поскольку неправительственные организации, организации гражданского общества, активисты, блогеры и даже террористические группы получили возможность распространять сообщения публичной дипломатии в интернете. Во-вторых, «новые» участники публичной дипломатии, превратили цифровой мир в конкурентную арену, на которой множество участников соперничают за внимание цифровой аудитории, пытаясь повлиять на ее понимание мировых событий. В-третьих, произошла фрагментация аудитории публичной дипломатии до «сетей выборочного воздействия». Изучение того, как государства адаптируются под эти новые условия существования, представляет значительный научный интерес. В статье авторы сравнивают стратегии цифровой дипломатии двух крупнейших акторов современной мировой политики — США и КНР, анализируя как официальные документы и практические шаги, так и дискуссии в научном сообществе двух стран. Авторы приходят к выводу, что, несмотря на то что на начальных этапах цифровая дипломатия США и КНР отличалась как в концептуальном, так и в инструментальном плане, в условиях цифровизации и датификации международных отношений государствам приходится тестировать различные, порой не свойственные им ранее форматы и инструменты, реагировать на активность оппонентов и постоянно корректировать политику. Можно заключить, что в эпоху неопределенности, высокой конкуренции и информационных манипуляций различия в цифровой дипломатии США и КНР становятся все более размытыми.

Ключевые слова:

цифровая дипломатия, социальные сети, Соединенные Штаты Америки, Китайская Народная Республика, цифровизация публичной дипломатии, датафикация


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Библиографические ссылки


Bjola, C. and Jiang, L. (2015), Social media and public diplomacy: A comparative analysis of the digital diplomatic strategies of the EU, Us and Japan in China, Digital diplomacy: Theory and practice, London: Routledge, pp. 71–88.

Melissen, J. (2005), The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, New York: Springer.

Цветкова, Н. А., Сытник, А. Н. и Гришанина Т. А. (2022), Цифровая дипломатия и digital international relations: вызовы и новые возможности, Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Международные отношения, т. 15, вып. 2, с. 174–196.

Hayden, C. (2012), Social media at state: Power, practice, and conceptual limits for US public diplomacy, Global Media Journal, vol. 11, no. 21, pp. 1–21.

Manor, I. (2019), The Digitalization of Public Diplomacy, Palgrave Mcmillan.

Bernal, V. (2014), Nation as network: Diaspora, cyberspace, and citizenship, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Park, H. and Lee, J. (2017), Do private and sexual pictures receive more likes on Instagram*, International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems, pp. 1–6.

Денисов, И. Е. (2020), Концепция «дискурсивной силы» и трансформация китайской внешней политики при Си Цзиньпине, Сравнительная политика, т. 11, № 4, с. 42–52.

Kuznetsov, N. M. and Fushu, L. (2023), Digital diplomacy of USA and China in the era of datalization, Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Международные отношения, т. 16, вып. 2, с. 191–200.

Manor, I. (2024), From micro to macro digital disruptions: A new prism for investigating digital diplomacy, The Oxford Handbook of Digital Diplomacy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cassidy, J. (2018), Digital Diplomatic Crisis Communication: Reconceptualising Diplomatic Signalling in an age of Real Time Governance, Working Paper, no. 3, Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group.

Цветкова, Н. А. (2020), Феномен цифровой дипломатии в международных отношениях и методология его изучения, Вестник РГГУ, серия «Политология. История. Международные отношения», с. 37–47.

Bjola, C. and Holmes, M. (2015), Digital diplomacy: Theory and practice, Routledge.

Johnson, O., Hall-Phillips, A., Chung, T.-L. (Doreen) and Cho, H. (2019), Are You Connected Through Consumption? The Role of Hashtags in Political Consumption, Social Media + Society, no. 5 (4), https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305119883427

Verrekia, B. (2017), Digital Diplomacy and Its Effect on International Relations, Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection, 2596.

Eggling, K. A. (2019), The digitalization of public diplomacy, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 32 (5), pp. 675–677.

Manor, I. and Crilley, R. (2019), The mediatisation of MFAs: Diplomacy in the new media ecology, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, vol. 15 (1–2), pp. 66–92.

Drezner, D. W. (2019), Technological change and international relations, International Relations, vol. 33 (2), pp. 286–303.

Цветкова, Н. А. и Федорова, И. В. (2021), Дипломатия данных США: цели, механизм, содержание, США & Канада: экономика, политика, культура, т. 51, № 1, с. 104–116.

Bjola, C. and Kornprobst, M., (2023), Digital International Relations: Technology, Agency and Order, Taylor & Francis.

Chernobrov, D. (2022), Strategic humour: Public diplomacy and comic framing of foreign policy issues, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 277–296.

Zhu, S. (2001), Diplomatic changes in the information age — an introduction to the British Labor government’s new diplomatic initiatives, International Security Studies, no. 4, pp. 3–7. (In Chinese)

Yu, L. (2011), The construction of China’s Internet diplomacy strategy and foreign policy is urgent, Zhongzhou Academic Journal, no. 6, pp. 16–19. (In Chinese)

Zhao, H. (2010), A brief analysis of the Obama administration’s “E diplomacy”, Modern International Relations, vol. 7, pp. 22–29. (In Chinese)

Liao, Ch. and Liu, G. (2017), Research on U. S. Cyber Diplomacy in Central Asia, International Forum, no. 3, pp. 26–31. (In Cninese).

Tang, Y. (2016), China’s Public Diplomacy Construction Strategy from the Perspective of International Discourse Power, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. (In Chinese)

Zhao, K. (2011), The Rise of Cyber Diplomacy: Mechanisms and Future Trends, World Economics and Politics, no. 5, pp. 112–159. (In Chinese)

Tang, Y. (2010), Network Diplomacy: A New Weapon of American Public Diplomacy, International Forum, no. 1, pp. 74–78. (In Chinese)

Lu, G. (2011), Network diplomacy: the United States takes advantage, Social Science Digest, no. 4, pp. 59–61. (In Chinese)

Tang, X. and Huang, Zh. (2008), On network diplomacy in the information age, Modern International Relations, no. 6, pp. 53–58. (In Chinese)

Chu, Y. and Ma, Y. (2016), From a Rising Power to a Charming Power—A Study on Comrade Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on People’s Diplomacy, Mao Zedong Thought Study, no. 3, pp. 65–68. (In Chinese)

Meng, Zh. and Zhang, J. (2023), Spatial turn and symbolic flow: Digital public diplomacy and national image construction, Contemporary Communication, no. 1, pp. 107–112. (In Chinese)

Кузнецов, Н. М. (2020), Датафикация в международных отношениях: дискурс о новых тенденциях цифровой дипломатии, Актуальные вопросы мировой политики, с. 52–64.

Information Technology Strategic Plan (2018–2023) (2022). URL: https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/2023-01/USAID%20IT%20Strategic%20Plan%202018-23%20v2.5.pdf (дата обращения: 14.12.2023).

Цветкова, Н. А. и Кузнецов, Н. М. (2020), Феномен дипломатии больших данных в мировой политике, Вестник РГГУ, серия «Политология. История. Международные отношения», № 4, с. 27–44.

Зиновьева, Е. С. (2013), Цифровая дипломатия США: возможности и угрозы для международной безопасности, Индекс Безопасности, № 1 (104), с. 213–229.

Pfeifle, M. (2009), A Nobel Prize for Twitter? A Christian Science Monitor. URL: https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Opinion/2009/0706/p09s02-coop.html (дата обращения: 15.01.2023).

Khatib, L., Dutton, W. and Thelwall, M. (2012), Public Diplomacy 2.0: A case study of the US digital outreach team, The Middle East Journal, vol. 66(3), pp. 453–472.

Gladwell, M. (2010), Small Change, The New Yorker. URL: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/10/04/small-change-malcolm-gladwell (дата обращения: 03.01.2024).

Manor, I. and Segev, E. (2015), America’s selfie: How the US portrays itself on its social media accounts, Digital diplomacy theory and practice, London: Routledge, pp. 89–108.

Enli, G. and Simonsen, C.-A. (2018), Social media logic’ meets professional norms: Twitter hashtags usage by journalists and politicians, Information, Communication & Society, vol. 21 (8), pp. 1081–1096.

Johri, A., Karbasian, H., Malik, A., Handa, R. and Purohit, H. (2018), How diverse users and activities trigger connective action via social media: Lessons from the Twitter hashtag campaign Ilooklikeanengineer, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 2183–2192.

Bonilla, Y. and Rosa, J. (2015), Ferguson: Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States. American Ethnologist, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 4–17.

Yang, G. (2016), Narrative agency in hashtag activism: The case of BlackLivesMatter, Media and Communication, vol. 4, no. 4. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v4i4.692

Stieglitz, S. and Dang-Xuan, L. (2013), Emotions and information diffusion in social media: Sentiment of microblogs and sharing behavior, Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 29, pp. 217–248.

Huang, Z. A. and Wang, R. (2021), Exploring China’s digitalization of public diplomacy on Weibo and Twitter: A case study of the US–China trade war, International Journal of Communication, vol. 15, pp. 1912–1939.

With rising confidence, Xi Jinping wields the internet as a tool of empowerment and control, speeches reveal. URL: https://www.scmp.com/tech/policy/article/3124107/rising-confidence-xi-jinping-wields-internet-toolempowerment-and (дата обращения: 25.12.2023).

Strengthen and improve international communication work to present a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China. URL: http://politics.people.com.cn/n1/2021/0602/c1024-32119745.html (дата обра- щения: 25.12.2023).

Wang, X. (2020), Winning American Hearts and Minds: China’s Image Building Efforts in the 21st Century, Singapore: Springer.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Extreme Makeover: Communist Party is updating his image for socialmedia generation. URL: https://www.wsj.com/articles/xi-jinpings-extreme-makeover-1463069291 (дата обращения: 25.12.2023).

Li, H. (2018), From Red to “Pink”: Propaganda Rap, New Media, and China’s Soft Power Pursuit, American Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 89–105.

China’s envoys try out Trump-style Twitter diplomacy. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/17/truth-hurts-chinas-envoys-experiment-with-trump-style-twitter-diplomacy (дата обращения: 25.12.2023).

Денисов, И. Е. и Зуенко, И. Ю. (2020) Почему новый язык китайской дипломатии звучит так грубо, Профиль, 26.05. URL: https://profile.ru/abroad/pochemu-novyj-yazyk-kitajskoj-diplomatiizvuchit-tak-grubo-320380/ (дата обращения: 25.12.2023).

China finds a use abroad for Twitter, a medium it fears at home. URL: https://www.economist.com/china/2020/02/20/china-finds-a-use-abroad-for-twitter-a-medium-it-fears-at-home (дата обращения: 25.12.2023).

Soul-searching questions for Navarro: What’s behind the closure of the biolab at Fort Detrick? Twitter*. URL: https://twitter.com/zlj517/status/1280131459429232645 (дата обращения: 06.07.2020).

Huang, Zh. A. and Wang, R. (2019), Building a Network to “Tell China Stories Well”: Chinese Diplomatic Communication Strategies on Twitter, International Journal of Communication, vol. 13, pp. 2984–3007.

“Panda express” subway line to open in SW China’s Chengdu, X*, URL: https://x.com/xhnews/status/758582861863723008?s=46&t=aYvx8smjiGaosO_J-vQkpA (дата обращения: 15.01.2023).

Why Countries Are Trying to Ban TikTok? URL: https://www.nytimes.com/article/tiktok-ban.html (дата обращения: 25.12.2023).

Zeng, J. and Kaye, D. B. V. (2022), From content moderation to visibility moderation: A case study of platform governance on TikTok, Policy & Internet, vol. 14, pp. 79–95.

Кравцов, К. С. и Соболева, Е. Д. (2023), Аккаунты китайских посольств в социальных сетях как инструмент цифровой дипломатии КНР в Африке, Вестник Московского университета. Серия 10: Журналистика, № 4. с. 3–22.


Bjola, C. and Jiang, L. (2015), Social media and public diplomacy: a comparative analysis of the digital diplomatic strategies of the EU, Us and Japan in China, Digital diplomacy: theory and practice, London: Routledge, pp. 71–88.

Melissen, J. (2005), The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, New York: Springer.

Tsvetkova, N. A., Sytnik, A. N. and Grishanina, T. A. (2022), Digital diplomacy and digital international relations: challenges and new opportunities, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 174–196. (In Russian)

Hayden, C. (2012), Social media at state: Power, practice, and conceptual limits for US public diplomacy, Global Media Journal, vol. 11, no. 21, p. 1–21.

Manor, I. (2019), The Digitalization of Public Diplomacy, Palgrave Mcmillan.

Bernal, V. (2014), Nation as network: Diaspora, cyberspace, and citizenship, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Park, H. and Lee, J. (2017), Do private and sexual pictures receive more likes on Instagram*, International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems, pp. 1–6.

Denisov, I. Е. (2020), The Concept of “Discursive Power” and the Transformation of Chinese Foreign Policy under Xi Jinping, Sravnitelnaia Politika, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 42–52. (In Russian).

Kuznetsov, N. M. and Fushu, L. (2023), Digital diplomacy of USA and China in the era of datalization, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 191–200.

Manor, I. (2024), From micro to macro digital disruptions: A new prism for investigating digital diplomacy, The Oxford Handbook of Digital Diplomacy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Cassidy, J. (2018), Digital Diplomatic Crisis Communication: Reconceptualising Diplomatic Signalling in an age of Real Time Governance, Working Paper, no. 3, Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group.

Tsvetkova, N. A. (2020),The phenomenon of digital diplomacy in international relations and the methodology for its study, RGGU Bulletin. Series “Political Science. History. International Relations”, pp. 37–47 (In Russian)

Bjola, C. and Holmes, M. (2015), Digital diplomacy: Theory and practice, Routledge.

Johnson, O., Hall-Phillips, A., Chung, T.-L. (Doreen) and Cho, H. (2019), Are You Connected Through Consumption? The Role of Hashtags in Political Consumption, Social Media + Society, no. 5 (4), https://doi.org/10.1177/2056305119883427

Verrekia, B. (2017), Digital Diplomacy and Its Effect on International Relations, Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection, 2596.

Eggling, K. A. (2019), The digitalization of public diplomacy, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, vol. 32 (5), pp. 675–677.

Manor, I. and Crilley, R. (2019), The mediatisation of MFAs: Diplomacy in the new media ecology, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, vol. 15 (1–2), pp. 66–92.

Drezner, D. W. (2019), Technological change and international relations, International Relations, vol. 33 (2), pp. 286–303.

Tsvetkova, N. A. and Fedorova, I. V. (2021), US Data Diplomacy: Goals, Mechanism, Contents, SSHA & Kanada: ekonomika, politika, kul’tura, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 104–116 (In Russian).

Bjola, C. and Kornprobst, M., (2023), Digital International Relations: Technology, Agency and Order, Taylor & Francis.

Chernobrov, D. (2022), Strategic humour: Public diplomacy and comic framing of foreign policy issues, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 277–296.

Zhu, S. (2001), Diplomatic changes in the information age — an introduction to the British Labor government’s new diplomatic initiatives, International Security Studies, no. 4, pp. 3–7. (In Chinese)

Yu, L. (2011), The construction of China’s Internet diplomacy strategy and foreign policy is urgent, Zhongzhou Academic Journal, no. 6, pp. 16–19. (In Chinese)

Zhao, H. (2010), A brief analysis of the Obama administration’s “E diplomacy”, Modern International Relations, vol. 7, pp. 22–29. (In Chinese)

Liao, Ch. and Liu, G. (2017), Research on U. S. Cyber Diplomacy in Central Asia, International Forum, no. 3, pp. 26–31. (In Chinese)

Tang, Y. (2016), China’s Public Diplomacy Construction Strategy from the Perspective of International Discourse Power, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. (In Chinese)

Zhao, K. (2011), The Rise of Cyber Diplomacy: Mechanisms and Future Trends, World Economics and Politics, no. 5, pp. 112–159. (In Chinese)

Tang, Y. (2010), Network Diplomacy: A New Weapon of American Public Diplomacy, International Forum, no. 1, pp. 74–78. (In Chinese)

Lu, G. (2011), Network diplomacy: The United States takes advantage, Social Science Digest, no. 4, pp. 59–61. (In Chinese)

Tang, X. and Huang, Zh. (2008), On network diplomacy in the information age, Modern International Relations, no. 6, pp. 53–58. (In Chinese)

Chu, Y. and Ma, Y. (2016), From a Rising Power to a Charming Power — A Study on Comrade Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on People’s Diplomacy, Mao Zedong Thought Study, no. 3, pp. 65–68. (In Chinese)

Meng, Zh. and Zhang, J. (2023), Spatial turn and symbolic flow: Digital public diplomacy and national image construction, Contemporary Communication, no. 1, pp. 107–112. (In Chinese)

Kuznestov, N. M. (2020), Datafication in international relations: Discourse on new trends in digital diplomacy, Aktual’nye voprosy mirovoy politiki, pp. 52–64. (In Russian)

Information Technology Strategic Plan (2018–2023) (2022). Available at: https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/2023-01/USAID%20IT%20Strategic%20Plan%202018-23%20v2.5.pdf (accessed: 14.12.2023).

Tsvetkova, N. A. and Kuznetsov, N. M. (2020), The phenomenon of big data diplomacy in world politics. RGGU Bulletin Series “Political Science. History. International Relations”, no. 4, pp. 27–44 (In Russian).

Zinoveva, E. S. (2013), US Digital Diplomacy: Opportunities and Threats for International Security. Security Index, no. 1(104), pp. 213–229. (In Russian)

Pfeifle, M. (2009), A Nobel Prize for Twitter? A Christian Science Monitor. Available at: https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Opinion/2009/0706/p09s02-coop.html (accessed: 15.01.2023).

Khatib, L., Dutton, W. and Thelwall, M. (2012), Public Diplomacy 2.0: A case study of the US digital outreach team, The Middle East Journal, vol. 66(3), pp. 453–472.

Gladwell, M. (2010), Small Change, The New Yorker. Available at: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/ 2010/10/04/small-change-malcolm-gladwell (accessed: 03.01.2024).

Manor, I. and Segev, E. (2015), America’s selfie: How the US portrays itself on its social media accounts, Digital diplomacy theory and practice, London: Routledge, pp. 89–108.

Enli, G. and Simonsen, C.-A. (2018), Social media logic’ meets professional norms: Twitter hashtags usage by journalists and politicians, Information, Communication & Society, vol. 21 (8), pp. 1081–1096.

Johri, A., Karbasian, H., Malik, A., Handa, R. and Purohit, H. (2018), How diverse users and activities trigger connective action via social media: Lessons from the Twitter hashtag campaign Ilooklikeanengineer, Proceedings of the 51st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 2183–2192.

Bonilla, Y. and Rosa, J. (2015), Ferguson: Digital protest, hashtag ethnography, and the racial politics of social media in the United States. American Ethnologist, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 4–17.

Yang, G. (2016), Narrative agency in hashtag activism: The case of BlackLivesMatter, Media and Communication, vol. 4, no. 4. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v4i4.692

Stieglitz, S. and Dang-Xuan, L. (2013), Emotions and information diffusion in social media: Sentiment of microblogs and sharing behavior, Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 29, pp. 217–248.

Huang, Z. A. and Wang, R. (2021), Exploring China’s digitalization of public diplomacy on Weibo and Twitter: A case study of the US–China trade war, International Journal of Communication, vol. 15, pp. 1912–1939.

With rising confidence, Xi Jinping wields the internet as a tool of empowerment and control, speeches reveal. Available at: https://www.scmp.com/tech/policy/article/3124107/rising-confidence-xi-jinping-wieldsinternet-tool-empowerment-and (accessed: 25.12.2023).

Strengthen and improve international communication work to present a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China. Available at: http://politics.people.com.cn/n1/2021/0602/c1024-32119745.html (accessed: 25.12.2023).

Wang, X. (2020), Winning American Hearts and Minds: China’s Image Building Efforts in the 21st Century, Singapore: Springer.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Extreme Makeover: Communist Party is updating his image for social-media generation. Available at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/xi-jinpings-extreme-makeover-1463069291 (accessed: 25.12.2023).

Li, H. (2018), From Red to “Pink”: Propaganda Rap, New Media, and China’s Soft Power Pursuit, American Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 89–105.

China’s envoys try out Trump-style Twitter diplomacy. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/world/ 2019/jul/17/truth-hurts-chinas-envoys-experiment-with-trump-style-twitter-diplomacy (accessed: 25.12.2023).

Denisov, I. E. and Zuenko, I. Y. (2020) Why the New Language of Chinese Diplomacy is so Assertive, Profil, 26.05.2020. Available at: https://profile.ru/abroad/pochemu-novyj-yazyk-kitajskoj-diplomatiizvuchit-tak-grubo-320380/ (accessed: 25.12.2023). (In Russian)

China finds a use abroad for Twitter, a medium it fears at home. Available at: https://www.economist.com/china/2020/02/20/china-finds-a-use-abroad-for-twitter-a-medium-it-fears-at-home (accessed: 25.12.2023).

Soul-searching questions for Navarro: What’s behind the closure of the biolab at Fort Detrick?, Twitter*. Available at: https://twitter.com/zlj517/status/1280131459429232645 (accessed: 06.07.2020).

Huang, Zh. A. and Wang, R. (2019), Building a Network to “Tell China Stories Well”: Chinese Diplomatic Communication Strategies on Twitter, International Journal of Communication, vol. 13, pp. 2984–3007.

“Panda express” subway line to open in SW China’s Chengdu, X*, Available at: https://x.com/xhnews/status/758582861863723008?s=46&t=aYvx8smjiGaosO_J-vQkpA (accessed: 15.01.2023).

Why Countries Are Trying to Ban TikTok? Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/article/tiktok-ban.html (accessed: 25.12.2023).

Zeng, J. and Kaye, D. B. V. (2022), From content moderation to visibility moderation: A case study of platform governance on TikTok, Policy & Internet, vol. 14, pp. 79–95.

Kravtsov, K. S. and Soboleva, E. D. (2023), PRC’s Digital Diplomacy in Social Network Accounts of Chinenese Embassies in Africa, Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 10 “Zhurnalistika”, no. 4, pp. 3–22. (In Russian)

* Продукт компании Meta, деятельность которой признана экстремистской в Российской


* The product of the Meta company, whose activities are recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation.




Как цитировать

Кривохиж, С., & Теленьга, М. (2024). Трансформация цифровой дипломатии в условиях новых вызовов: взгляд из Вашингтона и Пекина. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Международные отношения, 17(2), 143–163. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu06.2024.203

