Political argumentation of Boniface VIII and Giles of Rome on the essence of power
The article presents a reconstruction of the system of political argumentation system set forth by pope Boniface VIII which amounted to a fulfillment of all the arguments of previous apologists for the supremacy of papal authority, Giles of Rome in particular. The article shows how the highest stage of development of the doctrine of the papal theocracy created the basis for the idea of sovereignty. The end of 13th century European history marked a period of crisis for all forms of universalism and the strengthening of “new monarchies” that become the main rivals of Catholicism with its political ambitions in the struggle for the loyalty of its subjects. Significant changes were taking place in political argumentation as well. The emperors acted from the same positions as the papacy, defending the very nature of universal political power. On the other hand, kings, not having imperial ambitions, proclaimed their supreme power exclusively within the borders of the state. Papal bulls, in particular Unam Sanctam, give a structured and well-reasoned response not only to the private challenge of the claims of the Philip IV of France, but also to a political doctrine based on the legacy of Aristotle and Roman law and splitting the integrity of the “Christian world” by justifying the self-sufficiency of political Communities. The Pope, going beyond the powers of the supreme feudal lord in the church, is approaching in its status to the absolute monarchs of the Modern history. Refs 35.
Medieval political theory, political argumentation, political power, sovereignty, Catholicism, medieval church, papal bulls, Unam Sanctam, Boniface VIII, Giles of Rome, Philip IV of France, John of Paris
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Giles of Rome’s On Ecclesiastical Power: A Medieval Theory of World Government. Transl. and ed. by R.W.Dyson. New York, Columbia University Press, 2004. 406 p.
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Samarin Ia. V. Kontseptsiia tselyi i funktsii pravitel’stva v politicheskoi teorii Vudro Vil’sona [An issue of the government goals and functions in the works of Woodrow Wilson]. Vestnik of Saint-Petersburg university. Ser. 6. Political Science. International Relations, 2016, issue 1, pp. 73–84. (In Russian)
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