The European Union in the Danish party-political discourse (2011–2018)


  • Dmitry Tulupov Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The major aim of this article was to investigate approaches of various Danish political parties to the country’s membership in the European Union (EU) and to trace how their perceptions are reflected in conceptual documents of Denmark’s foreign policy. The main conclusion of the research was as follows. In comparison with such issues, as the reduction/increase of taxes or the volume of financing, allocated for the international development aid in general, all Danish political parties maintain a pragmatic view of the EU. The Community is considered not as an end in itself, but rather as a mean for the promotion of either national economic interests or political values. The latter explains the continuity of all editions of Danish foreign policy strategy, which have been adopted both by centre-right and centre-left cabinets from 2011 till 2018. The only party, which demonstrates strong euro-scepticism if the Unity List (Enhedslisten). However, due to the minor representation in the Folketing (Danish parliament) and principal differences with other moderately euro-sceptic parties, the Unity List is so far unable to establish a broad parliamentary coalition, which will initiate the new “Brexit”. Differences on how to implement the EU policy do exist, but they are rather of tactical, rather than strategic character and are usually settled down during intra-coalition negotiations.


Denmark, the European Union, Brexit, political parties, foreign policy, diplomacy, resilience


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How to Cite

Tulupov, D. (2018). The European Union in the Danish party-political discourse (2011–2018). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, 11(3), 266–277.



Political problems of international relations, global and regional development