Phenomenon of social exclusion in EU countries: Definition and measurements
The article analyses the phenomenon of social exclusion and the EU policy in combating this problem. The article is based on the analysis of the works of European researchers, official EU documents and Eurostat statistical data. The concept of social exclusion began to develop actively in the second half of the 20th century, and quickly had been used by politicians of European countries to develop effective social policies and to fight poverty. The concept of social exclusion is not a synonymous to the concept of poverty, because exclusion offers a comprehensive study of the causes of poverty in developed societies and suggests theories that explain the causes of poverty. The concept of social exclusion becomes a policy tool, as it offers concrete directions for reduction of poverty and marginalized groups through system of targeted support, as well as actions to reduce the marginalization of groups and people living in poverty. The article presents methods of measuring this phenomenon that are used by the EU institutions to assess if individuals are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. In Russia, researchers and official representatives are noticeably interested in the concept of social exclusion. Methods of measuring poverty and social exclusion offered in the EU countries are being tested and discussed. Given the complexities of the transformation of social policy in modern Russia, taken pension reform, reform of public health system, family policy, and education, it is likely that the problem of social exclusion will remain being a distant target. Nevertheless, the interest of Russian specialists and officials to the problem and development of methods for measuring poverty using the experience of scientists from European countries provides some ground for optimism.
social exclusion, poverty, European Union, social policy
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