Economic tools of media policy for the preservation of media pluralism: An analysis of solutions adopted in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Italy


  • Marta Jas-Koziarkiewicz University of Warsaw, 26/28, Krakowskie Przedmieście St., Warsaw, 00-927, Poland
  • Ewa Stasiak-Jazukiewicz University of Warsaw, 26/28, Krakowskie Przedmieście St., Warsaw, 00-927, Poland



Media policy makers are looking for safeguards for freedom of expression other than statutory guarantees. The economic tools of media policy are one of the forms they use. The presented analysis is based on the assumptions of constructivism. The adoption of this theoretical perspective is also connected with the authors’ accepting the statement that shared norms, values and ideas are strengthened, consolidated, worked out, contested and changed in social processes. The starting point for the adopted research strategy was a case study. The article presents indirect and direct subsidies supporting media pluralism in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Italy. All of the analysed countries decided to use this form of media support, but the scope of assistance provided is different. The media are most strongly supported by France and Austria while in Italy the level of support can be defined as medium and economic interventions on the media market are taken to the smallest extent by Germany and the Czech Republic. The analysis was supplemented by a discussion of the relationship between media ownership and economic and political elites. The economic and political elite connections with the media, as indicated in the text, are the best recommendation for countries to use economic forms of supporting media pluralism.

Ключевые слова:

media pluralism, media policy, indirect and direct subsidies, Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy


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Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Jas-Koziarkiewicz, M., & Stasiak-Jazukiewicz, E. (2018). Economic tools of media policy for the preservation of media pluralism: An analysis of solutions adopted in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Italy. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Международные отношения, 11(4), 415–435.



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