Foes, friends or indifferent players? Assessing national energy strategies and possible agenda for cooperation between Brazil and Russia


  • Bruno Mariotto Jubran State Department of Planning, Administration and Budget of Rio Grande do Sul. 1501, Avenida Borges de Medeiros, CEP 90020-020, Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil
  • Victor Jeifets Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



This article aims at analyzing the actual and potential cooperation between Brazil and Russia - two BRICS countries - in energy issues. Addressing energy security in global affairs and national strategies is quite obvious due to its centrality in shaping contemporary civilization. While energy is also vital for International Relations and for the foreign policy of particular countries, the topic remains quite underdeveloped in Brazil-Russia relations. This contradiction is the main problem raised in the article. There are two main lines of explanation for that question. The first one implies that cooperation between Brazil and Russia is hindered due to poor legal foundations in the energy sector and constant government interference in the business environment in both nations. The second rationale states that both nations allegedly do not share similar interests, or even behave as competitors in each other's or third markets, as they have been suppliers of energy in the global market. We shall advance the third line of argumentation, which contends that even if previous arguments are valid, the role of other players - either foreign governments or private enterprises - should not be underrated to understand possible limitations and setbacks in bilateral relations, in particular in energy matters. Moreover, lack of clarity and definition in energy policy and security is perhaps more convincing than constant government interference, especially in Brazil, and to a lesser extent, Russia.

Ключевые слова:

Russia, Brazil, BRICS, energy security, bilateral relations


Данные скачивания пока недоступны.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Jubran, B. M., & Jeifets, V. (2019). Foes, friends or indifferent players? Assessing national energy strategies and possible agenda for cooperation between Brazil and Russia. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Международные отношения, 12(2), 181–197.



Латинская Америка и линии международного сотрудничества и конфликтов