Mexico’s Evolving Security Cooperation Policy in Central America


  • Alexey Manukhin Centre for Political Studies, The Institute for Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 21, Bolshaya Ordynka ul., Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation; Centre for Regional Problems, The Institute for US and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2/3 Khlebny per., Moscow, 121069, Russian Federation
  • Areli Robles Herrera Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Engineering, 67/A, Bolshaya Morskaya ul., St. Petersburg, 190000, Russian Federation



Mexico has long attempted to enter the Central American sub-region for its own strategic interests. Besides, throughout the 20th century, the “progressive” foreign policy ideology strongly influenced its approach to the republics of the Isthmus. The benefits from the mechanisms of building lasting civic peace during the 1980s Central American conflict won Mexico the reputation of a constructive negotiator in Latin America and beyond. However, with the security agenda and international system becoming more complicated, there are fewer levers for active foreign policy in the area. Mexico is struggling to “reset” its policy in the sub-region while experiencing serious security challenges at home and pressure from abroad, balancing between its dependence upon the United States and pretensions for independent mediumpower status. In this article we examine the search by Mexico for new security instruments in Central America, putting forward the issues of mutual development, migration and combat on violence. Particular attention is paid to the change in Mexico-U.S. relationship as regards Central America, both in matters of its domestic policy and international assistance efforts. It is concluded that the sub-region provides Mexico with wide opportunities not only to establish partnerships along the lines of regional cooperation but also use the smaller republics to the south as a model for solving its own security problems.

Ключевые слова:

Mexico, Central America, United States, security, cooperation


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Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Manukhin, A., & Robles Herrera, A. (2019). Mexico’s Evolving Security Cooperation Policy in Central America. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Международные отношения, 12(2), 169–180.



Латинская Америка и линии международного сотрудничества и конфликтов