Digital diplomacy in Telegram: A comparative analysis of audience engagement and activity of the Russian and US embassies
Aggravation of bilateral relations between Russia and the United States against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis, restrictions imposed on Russian government agencies on American IT-platforms and the blocking of social networks accountable to the US on the territory of the Russian Federation forced diplomats of these countries to employ a circumvention strategy and transfer communication with their digital diplomacy audiences to the Telegram messenger. As a result, in March 2022 the channels of the Russian Embassy in Washington @EmbUSA and the U. S. Embassy in Moscow @USEmbRussia were created. The paper conducts a comprehensive comparative analysis of their activity and reader engagement from the date of channel creation to January 2024. The work involves methods of machine engagement-analysis of more than 6,000 publications using SMM-services and, and topic modelling of 600 most popular publications with the help of human coding. The author contributes to the development of digital diplomacy research by applying semantic analysis of emoji based on the dictionary, a previously unused method that allows us to assess the impact of accumulated opinion on the promoted agenda. The Telegram channel @EmbUSA turned out to be more active in terms of the number of publications and views, but lost the lead to @USEmbRussia in audience engagement through reposts and reactions. None of the channels can be called the undisputed leader in terms of expanding presence on the platform. Both Russia and the U. S. chose Russian-speaking people as their target audience, as evidenced by the percentage of language usage in publications. Semantic analysis of emoji demonstrates that the dominant trend on the Russian side was positive tone of the target audience, while on the U. S. side it was negative. This could entail the US adjusting to the mood of its readers, softening its rhetoric and simultaneously constraining the choice of the most popular negative reactions. The thematic analysis of the posts sample showed that Russia and the U.S. inform citizens in a «mirror-like» manner, which only reinforces polarization of the Russian-speaking community. While Russia uses a defensive strategy and seeks to clarify its position online, the U. S. actively uses digital diplomacy as a tool to impose its vision of Russia’s domestic policy.
digital diplomacy, Telegram, social networks, deplatformisation, Russia, USA, embassy
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Bodrunova, S. S. (2023), Cumulative Deliberation: New Normativity in Studying Public Spheres Online, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika, no. 1, pp. 87–122. (In Russian)
* Продукт компании Meta, деятельность которой признана экстремистской в Российской Федерации.
** Meta признана экстремистской организацией в Российской Федерации.
* The product of the Meta company, whose activities are recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation.
** Meta is recognized as an extremist organization in the Russian Federation.
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