The role of international academic mobility in strengthening the efficiency of “soft power” policy of modern Russia


  • Ludmila Alieva North-Caucasus Federal University, 1, ul. Pushkina, Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation
  • Karine Ambartsumyan North-Caucasus Federal University, 1, ul. Pushkina, Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation



The authors of the article address the problem of practical implementation of “soft power” in modern Russian foreign policy. The aim of the research was to understand the role of academic mobility in the development of a positive image of Russia in the world. In this regard, the authors emphasize the inexpediency of understanding science and education as a means of propaganda and ideological response to foreign opponents. Academic mobility is one of the effective channels that allows not only to share the results of research and educational activities, but also, through interpersonal communication in professional communities, to destroy the existing negative stereotypes about Russia. The article provides experience of DAAD as one of the best practices in organizing academic exchanges, and emphasizes the possibility of adapting this experience for Russia. Opposing the statement of J. Nay, German experience has shown the effectiveness of active participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in supporting international cooperation in education and research. Taking into account the diversity of regions in the Russian Federation, the authors came to the conclusion that it is necessary to enhance cross-border cooperation with neighboring regions following the policy of “soft power”. As an example, the authors present the experience of North Caucasus Federal University in cooperation with scientific and educational institutions of the South Caucasus. The border position of the North Caucasus region, common historical past of the peoples and common Caucasian identity make NCFU an effective tool for strengthening Russia’s influence in the region, which traditionally becomes an arena of international rivalry. The article also presents the experience of implementing joint projects with European partners, analyzes current trends in the development of European Higher Education Area, and shows the role of academic mobility in the formation of a sustainable, cohesive and peaceful Europe. In this regard, the authors conclude that universities make a significant contribution to the formation of a positive image of Russia as a country with ethnic, cultural, historical, religious and geographical diversity.


“soft power”, academic mobility, cross-border cooperation, universities, North Caucasus Federal University, research and educational international collaboration


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How to Cite

Alieva, L., & Ambartsumyan, K. (2022). The role of international academic mobility in strengthening the efficiency of “soft power” policy of modern Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, 15(2), 197–216.

